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The loss of core reading and learning skills that occurs when children don’t read or practice math during summer break is called the “Summer Slide.” Rumson uses summer reading and math practice to help mitigate summer learning loss and to prepare all students for a successful new school year, including those new to our schools.
My child needs to complete summer assignments. |
The summer assignment information can be retrieved by selecting the correct scenario below: |
Scenario 1 | My child is a current student, enrolled in Rumson schools this past school year. |
Click this link for Summer Assignments |
As a student enrolled this past school year, how do I access Achieve3000 and IXL?
Click this link for access directions via Clever
BE AWARE: Achieve3000 and IXL access ends August 18 |
Scenario 2 | My child is enrolled as a new student for the upcoming school year. | Click this link for Summer Assignments |
As a newly enrolled student, how do I access Achieve3000 and IXL?
Scenario 3 |
My child graduated grade 8 this year and will attend RFH. |
Please refer to the RFH website for details on all summer requirements for rising Grade 9 students. |