Rumson School District Logo

Mission Statement - "Igniting Potential"
The Rumson School District ignites the potential of its learners by growing, inspiring, and cultivating personal excellence academically, socially, and emotionally.



Personal and Professional Days

We are no longer using paper forms to request Vacation or Personal Days

We are now using ESS  which utilizes an automated absence management system. This greatly simplifies and streamlines the process of recording and managing absences, in addition to locating qualified substitutes teachers. The service will be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed via internet and phone.

How do I interact with ESS?

  1. You can interact with ESS on the internet at . Here, you will be able to enter absences, check your absence schedule, update personal information, and exercise other features such as uploading your lesson plans for substitutes to view online.
  2. Click Absence Software
  3. Click Frontline
  4. Once you enter your absence, your will receive an email approving your absence.​
  5. After a workshop or conference, you must also complete a "Professional Day Follow Up Report" 

PROFESSIONAL DAYS  -  You must use the Genesis Employee Portal to request both in- and out-of-district professional days. Once your request is approved, you will receive a confirmation email and should follow the ESS directions above to request a sub.

Out of District - Remember you must include a mileage calculation as part of your approval request, as well as a scan of completed registration paperwork. The mileage calculation is included on the District Expense Form below.

No later than 5 days after your completed out of district PD, you must submit your District Expense Form for approval of any mileage reimbursement.