Mission Statement - "Igniting Potential"
The Rumson School District ignites the potential of its learners by growing, inspiring, and cultivating personal excellence academically, socially, and emotionally.


Forrestdale Home
Forrestdale Staff
Eighth Grade
Health Forms
Health Services
Genesis Parent Portal
Art Gallery
Media Center
Sports and Clubs
Report Cards
Virtual Backpack

HIB Information
District Anti-Bullying Specialist & Coordinator
Brittaney Leigh-Berry
Contact Information:
     732-842-0383 x4126

Art Gallery


The Rumson Gallery:An Online Art Gallery Experience

The Rumson Gallery is a new district wide initiative that provides students with the opportunity to share their artwork in a digital format. The Rumson Gallery Website is an interactive experience that not only showcases art work, but also provides resources for parents and families, art history and art vocabulary for students, as well as photos of students at various stages of their creative process. Art students from Deane-Porter and Forrestdale that exhibit excellence in course understandings, concepts, and technique will be celebrated by having their work displayed on The Rumson Gallery website. The Rumson Gallery serves as a creative bridge between our student artists and their families and communities. Therumsongallery.com is a fully interactive desktop site and also has a mobile site connected. The mobile site can be accessed via most cellular devices and tablets and offers access to the student artwork component of the gallery. The desktop site offers users a fuller interactive experience with much more content. In a digital world, our student’s artwork is now accessible at the click of a button. 

Please visit us today and often at Therumsongallery.com