Mission Statement - "Igniting Potential"
The Rumson School District ignites the potential of its learners by growing, inspiring, and cultivating personal excellence academically, socially, and emotionally.


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HIB Information
District Anti-Bullying Specialist & Coordinator
Brittaney Leigh-Berry
Contact Information:
     732-842-0383 x4126

Forrestdale School Staff 

School Phone: 732-842-0383
School Fax: 732-219-9458

Please dial 3 and then the extension of the staff member.


Forrestdale School Administration

Title Name Phone Email
Principal, Forrestdale School Mrs. Jennifer Gibbons 732-842-0383  e-mail
District-Wide Assistant Principal/Sup Sci & STEM Mrs. Brittaney Flynn 732-842-0383 x4314 e-mail
Administrative Assistant to the Principal  Mrs. Tricia Zifchak 732-842-0383  x4314 e-mail
Receptionist AM Mrs. Theresa Azaceta 732-842-0383 e-mail
Receptionist PM Mrs. Maria Hubler 732-842-0383 e-mail

Curriculum, Instruction & Assessments

Title Name Phone Email
CIA & Intervention Svs Supervisor Mrs. Vera Ridoux 732-945-3100 e-mail
Administrative Assistant Mrs. Jean Brito 732-945-3100 e-mail


Title Name Phone Email
School Counselor Gr. 6-8 Ms. Amanda Fahy 732-842-0383 x 4580 email
School Counselor Gr. 4-5 Mrs. Allie Copman 732-842-0383 x 4390 email
Administrative Assistant    732-945-3100 email
Anti-Bullying Specialist Mrs. Brittaney Flynn 732-842-0383 x4126 email

School Nurse

Title Name Phone Email
Nurse                                             Mrs. Karin Masina 732-842-0383 x4318              email


Teachers & Staff

Grade / Subject Name  Email
Fourth Grade Ms. Emily Bagnell e-mail
Fourth Grade

Mrs. Loreen Haldane
Ms. Emily Kenlay



Fourth Grade

Ms. Kristin Sweeny
Mrs. Meg Rady  



Fourth Grade

Mrs. Pam Mannion



Fourth Grade Ms. Jolene Berardi e-mail
Grade 4/5 Science Specialist                          

Mr. Jesse Johnson


Fifth Grade

Ms. Meg DeMaria

Mrs. Amanda O'Neill



Fifth Grade Ms. Aimee Humbert e-mail

Fifth Grade

Ms. Kat Eagles



Fifth Grade

Ms. Meghan Kain

Fifth Grade Ms. Alecsa Unrath



Fifth Grade

Ms. Megan Gallagher       
Mr. Brian Bruno



Sixth Grade - Science Ms. Lauren Smith e-mail
Sixth Grade - Social Studies Mr. Dan Morrone e-mail
Sixth Grade - Math Mrs. Samantha Carllin e-mail
Sixth Grade - Math Mrs. Sommer VanDeBoe e-mail
Sixth Grade - ELA Mrs. Dana Feehery e-mail
Sixth Grade - ELA Mrs. Lori Zucker e-mail
Seventh Grade - Science Mrs. Jennifer Crow e-mail
Seventh Grade - Social Studies Mr. Keith Laviola e-mail
Seventh Grade - Math Mrs. Lisa Jacobowitz e-mail
Seventh Grade-Math Ms. Rebecca Roberts e-mail
Seventh Grade - ELA Mrs. Kristen Downs e-mail
Seventh Grade - ELA Mrs. Jennifer Brown e-mail
Eighth Grade - Science Mrs. Suzanne Deegan e-mail
Eighth Grade- Social Studies Mr. Dave Dallas e-mail
Eighth Grade - Math Mr. Scott Davidson e-mail
Eighth Grade - Math Mrs. Suzanne Mauri e-mail
Eighth Grade - Math Mrs. Heather Mutto e-mail
Eighth Grade - ELA Ms. Elizabeth Spernal e-mail
Eighth Grade - ELA Ms. Kate Sullivan e-mail
World Languages - French Gr 6-8 Mrs. Natalie Carroll e-mail
World Languages - Spanish Gr 4,5 Mrs. Justine Otero e-mail
World Languages - Spanish Gr 6-8

Ms. Amanda Cowan


World Language - Spanish Gr 6-8 Mr. Basil Henning e-mail
World Language - Chinese I Gr 8 Ms. Sophia Chen e-mail

STEM Gr. 4/5 and 7/8 (Agriculture)

Ms. Rachel Walton


STEM GR. 6 and 7/8 (Robotics & Agriculature)

Mr. Chris Macioch


STEM Environmental Sci / Future Cities
Enrichment Program (JET)

Mrs. Maureen Gordon e-mail
Basic Skills ELA Ms. Kim O´Connor e-mail
Basic Skills and Gr 8 Math Mrs. Heather Mutto e-mail
Basic Skills ELA Mrs. Carol Tagliareni e-mail
Special Education Ms. Corine Brennan Gr 4,5 Science e-mail
Special Education Mr. John Bellavance Gr. 6 e-mail
Special Education Mrs. Kelly Tambarro Gr 6 e-mail
Special Education Ms. Liza Little Gr 4-8 Math e-mail
Special Education Ms. DJ Martino Gr 7 e-mail
Special Education Mrs. Catherine Obszarny, Gr 6-8 ELA e-mail
Special Education Mrs. Sandy Pignataro, Gr 4,5 ELA e-mail
Special Education Mrs. Lisa Spillane-Eldrige, Gr 8 e-mail
Special Education Mrs. Lindsey Schoch, Gr 7 email
Instructional Media / Library Mrs. Liz Waters e-mail
Instructional Media / Library (PM Aide)    
Instructional Media / Library (AM Aide) Mrs. Judy Chen Cooper e-mail
Music Mr. John Lebitsch e-mail
Music / Drama  Gr. 4-8  Mr. Kyle Sheehan


Visual Arts Dr. Matthew Miranda e-mail

Physical Education, Gr 5-8
Health, Gr 5

Mrs. Robin Gordon e-mail

Physical Education, Gr 4; 6-8
Health, Gr 4

Mr. Joseph Spernal e-mail

Physical Education, Gr 6-8
Health, Gr 8
Mindfulness, Gr 5

Mrs. Lu Holmes e-mail
Mindfulness, Gr 4 Ms. Kat Benny e-mail
Child Study Team, School Psychologist Mr. Spencer Austin e-mail
Child Study Team, LDTC Mrs.Sandy Self e-mail
Child Study Team, Social Worker Ms. Sarah Connolly e-mail
Technology Coordinator / Network Manger  Mr. Louis Pelissier e-mail
Technology Coordinator Assistant Mr. Michael Dunn e-mail


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