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AI and Its Applications for Education |
Understanding AI and its Applications for Education
Parent Academy slideshow - AI in Education Virtual Parent Academy |
The Gifted & Talented (JET) identification process and program in Rumson |
Gifted & Talented Program (JET)
Parent Academy slideshow - Gifted and Talented (JET) Program in Rumson |
How my child's placement in ELA and math for grades 6, 7 & 8 is determined and the appeal process |
Parent Academy: ELA and Math Placement for rising Gr. 6-8 (double click to view full screen)
Parent Academy slideshow -
The CogAT assessment in grades 2 - 5 |
Understanding the CogAT: A Parent's Guide
Lexile and quantile levels based on the Growth Measure* and the Achieve3000 assessments Growth Measure = (Gr. 5-8) Achieve3000 = (Gr. 3-8) |
Growth Measure Reading & Math / Achieve3000 |
How teachers use quantile data from Growth Measure Math to personalize math instruction |
Parent Academy slideshow -
How to access my child's benchmark scores in the Genesis Parent Portal |
The Fountas & Pinnell (F&P) Leveling System |
Fountas & Pinnell Reading K-5
* Note: Reading and Math Inventory (aka RI and MI) was rebranded as Growth Measure Reading and Math effective with the 2023-24 school year.